React Native Installations

React-Native Installations

Actually I am presenting you tutorial based on the Mac OS, this is also same for windows OS with little changes in commands.
React native to work on your machine you have to install few components. lets get start with the list of components to be installed.
1) Node Js
2) React Native client
3) Any possible text editor
that all required to work with react native.

1) Node Js:

To install node js go to the following website
This will take a little time .

2)React Native Client

Once the Nodejs installation is done then, to install react native open
Terminal  -  Mac OS
Command  -  Windows OS
now enter/type the command

For Mac OS:
sudo npm install -g react-native-cli

For Windows OS:
npm install -g react-native-cli

Here you have to observe that when we are installing packages using nodejs we have options to add the package in the project folder or globally that effects the entire system. The above react native client is installed globally here as it has to effect the entire system.
Now you have successfully installed react native client into your system.

3) Any random text editor

As you are using the scripting language(java script, Html, CSS) you can use any text editor to edit the code, there is no defined IDE currently to develop React Native Projects.
Few suggestions regarding the IDEs:

a) Visual Studio Code ( best IDE, I personally suggest this as the best IDE for this kind of projects )

b) Atom

c) Brackets

Once you are done with the installations lets move to the next topic "Your First React Native Project"


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